I am legend free
I am legend free

Then if you replace that man with a cop, that picture changes. I find the best way to describe it is if you can imagine your body as a highway, and you picture the virus as a very fast car being driven by a very bad man. Krippin says during this interview scene: “In this case the measles virus which has been engineered at a genetic level to be helpful rather than harmful. Alice Krippin, who has cured 10,009 cancer patients with a genetically engineered measles virus. A transcript of the movie is visible here. The film starts with a scene where a fictional news anchor is interviewing the character Dr. The 2007 film “I Am Legend” is a sci-fi action movie where scientist Robert Neville (played by Smith) believes he may be the sole survivor in a plague that kills most people and transforms others into zombie-like creatures (, here ). Throughout the movie, he is battling to find other survivors and find a cure.

I am legend free